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Do’s and Don’ts for Deep Conditioning Kinky Hair

By Tiffani Douglas

 With so much talk about how fragile and dry 4C hair is, it’s no wonder you can easily get carried away with deep conditioning. After all, to keep your hair nourished and moisturized shouldn’t you deep condition your hair all the time? Well, yes and no. While you should have a regimen that includes deep conditioner for curly hair, you should also know it’s possible to overdo it. Over-conditioning your curls can throw off your hair’s moisture balance and leave you with oversaturated, limp curls.

How to Know If I’m Over-Conditioning My Curls

Anytime you apply deep conditioner for curly hair, you’re adding a new layer of product to your curls. Over-conditioning happens when the hair cuticle becomes heavily coated, making it virtually impossible for other products to penetrate and work effectively. Here are six actions that may lead to over-conditioning kinky hair:
  1. Applying too much deep conditioner to your hair.
  2. Letting deep conditioner sit on your hair way too long (we’re all guilty of that overnight deep conditioning treatment).
  3. Not completely rinsing all the deep conditioner from your hair.
  4. Deep conditioning your hair too frequently.
  5. Using the wrong deep conditioner for your hair type. (Example: low porosity conditioner should be for low porosity hair.)
  6. Applying treatments or styling products with moisturizing properties in addition to a deep conditioner.
If you are doing one, or several of these things and noticed your curls are misbehaving, over-conditioning could be the culprit. Deep conditioner is specially formulated to provide your hair with ultra-intensive moisture, and using it as a co-wash is a nah, son. They contain high concentrations of surfactants (the stuff that makes them stick to protect your strands) and can cause major build-up on your curls if you utilize it as a leave-in or co-wash. If you’re trying to seal in moisture or improve the overall health of your hair, elevate your routine with a Green Tea Hair Rinse instead, which is used in between cleansing and normal conditioning. Now that you know how and what can happen when you over-condition your curls, here are some Do’s when it comes to deep conditioning your hair.

Deep Conditioning Type 4C Curls the Right Way

Stay in step. Deep-condition your hair regularly, but don't overdo it. Depending on your hair's moisture needs, once per week or every two weeks should do the trick. Get yo’ ends girls. Your ends are the oldest part of your hair and typically more prone to breakage, therefore, they should be treated with the utmost respect. Applying deep conditioner to your ends first allows the elder part of your curls to get full nourishing benefits. Warm it up. Sitting under a dryer or allowing deep-conditioner to penetrate your strands with a plastic bag, or by warming the conditioner before applying it increases its effectiveness. Your hair better absorbs deep conditioner when it’s heated up to at least 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Level up. To keep your hair nourished and properly moisturized, alternate using a deep-conditioner and a Bamboo Protein Treatment. Having balanced moisture/protein levels is essential to healthy hair. To learn more about deep conditioner for curly hair,